9 years ago I was officially diagnosed with RA and given medication and braces. 7 years ago exactly; I ended up in the Emergency Room with a possible heart attack. Short story is that my medication had eaten away at my esophagus and it was RAW.... The pain was causing severe chest pain.
So, after a couple of days of testing and hospital stay, I was told,
"Good news! My heart was in great shape!!!
Bad news... my medication was causing severe side effects.
Good news! There's 2 more medications I'll get to take and I'll be fine"
NO! That's NOT GOOD NEWS!!! That's when I was introduced to Young Living.... Thank you, Jesus! I have been 7 years with no medications, and after a week I was able to stop wearing these braces.
Well, a few months ago, my arthritis started getting worse, and what I was doing, was no longer helping as much. That's when I decided to try our CBD oil. I was taking one dropper full of 500mg Citrus daily..
And then one day I was out... UGH!!! It was working so well. I was back out of my braces, no longer in pain. No biggie, I thought... I'll just order some more. That was about 10 days ago....
Saturday evening I started with a headache. A nagging, yucky, won't go away headache.
Sunday morning I woke up nauseous, and with this stupid headache that now hurt to move my eyes.
The day continued. I tried everything I could think of. Oils, caffeine, accupuncture mat, sugar, I even resorted to tylenol. I was worried that maybe my hypoglycemia had taken a turn and I was having problems with my sugar.
Monday continued just about the same way. I wasn't as much of a zombie though and I was able to accomplish some projects.
Then Monday night came... My Ah-ha moment!
It was 2am Tuesday morning when I woke up in terrible pain. It was my thumb. My main source of my arthritic pain. HOLY COW, did it hurt. I immediately got up and put on my brace.
That dreaded brace... but it got me thinking... I haven't had to wear this since I started using my CBD oil. And that's when it hit me. My Ah-ha moment. Am I having a withdrawal from the CBD oil??? I got up and used our dog, Izzy's oil... ewe... I know. But hey, desperate times, call for desperate measures. So, I tried not to think about how many times I had used that dropper in her mouth, and just did it.
Now, hers is a lower dose than mine, so I went ahead and also used my Calm roll-on. I was then able to go back to sleep, and when I woke up this morning, I was a new person!!! Hallelujah!!!
Mine should be here any day. For now I'm just so grateful that I figured out what was going on. Yes, I googled withdrawals from CBD, and there are conflicting reports. That's why I'm here to tell you that everyone is different, and YES YOU CAN HAVE WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS FROM CBD.
*Side note... one of those medications that they put me on 7 years ago, has since been proven to be cancer causing. AGAIN... THANK YOU, JESUS, FOR OPENING MY EYES TO OTHER OPTIONS!