A Little About Me 
Hi there, I'm so glad you're here!

Through my site you'll learn a lot about me, but mostly I want you to know that I'm a child of God, a wife, mom, grama, author and love to create all things while saving money and time.

I have spent the better part of 30 years battling stubborn weight gain, constipation, brain fog, fatigue, joint pain, acid reflux, bloating, abdominal distention (I literally looked 8 months pregnant),  I was so frustrated and got no answers from doctors as to what could be going on, just the usual "it's your age" or "you need to exercise".  I've changed all of that, and I want to help you too!

I'm here to help you find hope in all things... whether it's for a healthier lifestyle, a way to connect with your people, how to create a balance in life, or just to find an easier way to discover your journey through life.

As a child of sexual, verbal, mental and physical abuse and a widow at age 41, I've come to learn a thing or two and love to help others in need of hope.  I've taught stamping and scrapbooking for over 20 years, and am a Certified Copic Instructor.  My philosophy is that coloring is the best form of therapy, and way cheaper than hospital bills and/or a divorce LOL

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             Copyright Jan McKee